See our latest Financial Report.
We are a registered charity.
Become a Monthly Donor
Your monthly gift will help us maintain and expand our sacred temple space, ensuring a peaceful haven for generations to come.
Monthly Allocated Budget
Gas and Propane $80
Cleaning Supplies $10
Festivals (Flowers, Paper Plates, Etc.) $100
Deity Dept. (Deities needs) $100
Contingency Fund $100
Building Maintenance $100
Temple Beautification $100
Solar Power Upgrades $100
Hot Water on Demand Replacement $75
Bank Fees $10
Website $30
Outreach $25
Quickbooks $60
Phone $21
Internet $40
Insurance $204
Total $1155
or send an e-transfer through
Make a One-Time Donation
Financial Policies and Practices
We are committed to manage Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai's finances in the following manner:
Recognizing that we are simply the caretakers of Their property;
Investing in Their assets as much as possible;
Practicing frugality without being miserly;
Respecting the intentions of the donors;
Communicating with transparency and straightforwardness.