Best Times to Visit Saranagati

These 2025 dates are tentative for the moment.

The Village

Saranagati Village

Saranagati Village is home to a community of practitioners of bhakti and followers of Srila Prabhupada. The collection of individual off-grid homesteads is spread across 10 kilometers in beautiful Venables Valley located near Ashcroft, BC, a four hour drive from Vancouver. The community boasts a small temple which hosts weekly Sunday feasts and Vaishnava festivals and a K-12 school. A number of Saranagati residents lead agrarian projects which offer special interest to this rural community.

Saranagati Village is a quiet village where its residents are mainly busy with their daily household duties.

Some Projects in Saranagati Village

Govardhana Academy

A K to 12 education where the Vedic scriptures and bhakti serve as an integral part of the identity and values of the school.

Ahimsa Goshala

Ahimsa Goshala, a lifelong sanctuary for cows, is translated as “the nonviolent cow shed.”

Vedic Ecovillage

Following the values of Vedic culture, namely the importance of cows, land and knowledge.

